Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Improving Initiative

Sunday was my first chance to use my modified initiative approach in a live 5e D&D tabletop game - every player rolled init as usual vs a target number of enemy DEX mod +11, then winners could act in any reasonable order or as determined by GM (eg those at front going before those at back). After enemy's turn the losers went, along with the winners getting their 2nd turn, and so on.

On Monday I did the same in my White Star game, an sf system based on old school D&D. Here the target number is 4, initiative is rolled on a d6 plus PC DEX mod of typically -1, 0 or +1.

This worked really well in both cases and made combats fly past MUCH faster, so I'll definitely be sticking with it. I think the only game where I wouldn't use it is 4e D&D.